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 ONE Hour JUST Reading

 going on this is Sajid Ali billion million billion dollar virgin let's go hey imagine reading these words right here as you see on the screen right now and earning 200 to a thousand dollars yes you can read these words that you see on the screen and this new website is going to pay you 200 300 up to a thousand dollars just by reading listen this is worldwide you could be a teenager in your 20s 30s 40s or 50s you could be old but if you can read this site that I'm about to show you will pay you over and over again now listen let me do something let me show you proof that people are actually making money look here's the site is www.voices.com 30 or 45 minutes of reading they're gonna pay you one thousand to twelve hundred dollars you see it here say if you want to read for 15 to 30 minutes they're gonna pay you 750 to a thousand dollars and i know what you're thinking Sajid why would a website like this will pay you to read I'm going to explain this so watch to the very end because as a bonus I'm going to show you exactly how to do it tonight right right now and how to get people to pay you on the site right here to do it does that make sense well look these are people and this is how it works this is the word count these are the minutes based off the minutes of how many minutes you want to read you can read for five minutes 45 minutes plus it's up to you the more that you read the more that you make money does that make sense now you might say well question how do i get paid let me show you okay here's all payments here and basically if i go to the account right here as you can see you'll go to your account this is me right here and you want to go down to account settings because you want to make sure you get paid okay so you want to make sure that you put in your PayPal account or maybe you want to check right i live at 777 like this street at naya Texas united states so make sure you put your PayPal email here because this is where your checks are going to be sent over and over again as you read the information that I'm going to give you does that make sense okay surround this in the back of your mind the more you read the more you will succeed literally on this website okay so listen so what you do you go to voices.com that is voices.com you go to sign up and understand this people around the planet are posting things such as books such as television commercials all types even video games if you're a video gamer you're gonna love this keep watching to the very end it's gonna blow your mind but basically people are paying people all around the world such as you to make money online and they're gonna pay you just to read for them right because they can't do it for themselves so they want people like you and like i said before I'm show you the best niche that i know right now that people are making so much money in a single category because you have animation audio books e-learning internet videos podcasting radio telephone and television listen but it's a one category here too actually that get the most jobs that you can get hired like right now and I'm gonna show you how easy the process is okay go to sign up here that was easy you want to click on find work ass talent do not click on hire talent for projects because you'll make zero dollars click here if you want to make money now full name whatever your name is i I'm guessing your name is big head okay big head and your email is bighead www.yahoo.com right whatever your email is whatever your name is put it here in your passport password and submit and then once you're in you'll look something like this okay basically you'll see your profile here and these are the jobs okay these are the jobs that you're going to apply for and it's so simple and keep listening because I'm going to show you how to get selected for the jobs here okay look here now while i like to do i want to make a lot of money comment below if you're looking for a lot of money smash the like button if you want to make a lot of money right now so listen apply for jobs like this 900 bucks small business month male voice English they're going to give you a script and as a as a matter of fact you have an app as well like voices on the app you can download they give you a script you read it you submit it and then you get selected doesn't make sense 27 people already reached out to this guy but look this is me i don't know about you but when i had no money and i was trying to get out of the ghetto because  well 4 400 looks good to me so listen apply for these jobs let me tell you why because the average person don't believe in themselves and the average person think well it's going to be too difficult too hard listen apply for it you will be so surprised that you will more likely possibly get the job and you would just read that's all you have to do does that make sense now listen as promised I'm going to show you the category that i know pays the most and it is more frequent let me go back here so listen once you have your account this is what i want you to focus on okay audiobooks audiobooks is you see all these people you're gonna have your profile here make a nice little picture of yourself and you can do a little audio of yourself just reading anything but audio books pay the most and you'll get hired very quickly if you act now now remember something is no guarantees but my disclaimer is this if you never take action if you never just do it. you can like this but if you never just do it you'll never know what you're missing a lot of you got nine to five jobs a lot of you just watching YouTube videos a lot of you right now pissed off because you want me to get to the point i get it but listen if you never take action and just say you know what I'm a sign up let me try I'm a creative profile it's free to do and I'm gonna give it a go I'm going to try to get some jobs here so i can make some money right now so audiobooks is my number one my next one is video games okay now you might think you whatever but just imagine listen being a character to a video game and you read a short script that's all you do and they're gonna pay you this money over and over again so what i want you to do once you have your account i want you to make your profile look pretty how do you do that just model somebody that has five stars like Brian Olson or Zac Hoffman okay just get one of these guys their profiles and just model their profile okay that's all you need to do make it look just like their profiles okay then once you have your account apply for every job that you see as you can see it's plenty of jobs you go to jobs you go to hiring just like this right and you just apply for every single job all they want you to do is read if you can read you can succeed oh praises to the most high god is the greatest and that's it just keep doing this over and over again and start making money listen if you want to make over 10 000 per month I'll leave two articles right here muscle up this is Sajid Ali billion billion dollar virgin let's go later smash like if you got massive value leg out...

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